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Entries in Load Zero Foundattion (1)


How you can help make viral load testing a reality this World Aids Day

The time for viral load testing is now.”For years this has been the focus of this company and each of our employees. Today, it has become policy for developing nations around the world as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Last year, the WHO published their 2013 revised guidelines, calling for developing countries to roll out routine virological monitoring. Since then, more people have come to understand the role of HIV viral load testing and the benefits it provides to patients and the healthcare systems that support them. 

In 2014 the debate over HIV viral load testing in resource-limited settings evolved from “Should we?” to “How can we?” Our friends at The Load Zero Foundation have answered that question with this clever “At-a-Glance” HIV viral load comparison infograhic. This much needed overview promotes awareness of the six HIV Viral Load assays that:

  1. Exceed the WHO’s recommendation for test sensitivity

  2. Have performance that has been verified by peer-reviewed journals

  3. Are commercially available today

For World Aids Day 2014, I encourage you to share this infographic with your networks and spread the word that “The Time for Viral Load Testing is Now.”